In our society, women play a fundamental role in the family nucleus, being and remaining an essential pillar at home. Every woman has a story to tell, from sacrificing her time and dreams for those of her family to adopting different roles in everyday life: wife, mother, worker, businesswoman, friend, among others. Often, this can lead to a slight forgetting of themselves.

Motherhood and Its Changes

Motherhood is a stage marked by physical and emotional changes. After motherhood, a moment of reflection and a search for personal renewal arrives. Many patients mention that they have dedicated their whole lives to their families and now, with their children grown up, feel it is their turn for personal renewal.

Physical Changes After Motherhood

After pregnancies and breastfeeding, the body undergoes changes such as weight gain, redistribution of body fat, and tissue flaccidity, which can affect self-image. Although motherhood is a rewarding experience, many women find it difficult to accept these physical changes, which can affect their self-esteem. The perception of beauty and femininity can be impacted by the loss of firmness in the breasts, the formation of stretch marks, and other changes, leading to a loss of identity and self-confidence.

Plastic Surgery: An Alternative for Renewal

One of the best alternatives to counteract these changes is plastic surgery. The “Mommy Makeover,” a term popularized on social media, is a surgery that can restore much of the changes that occur in the body, focusing on the abdomen, back, buttocks, and breasts.

Who are the Best Candidates?

Common Changes and Procedures


The muscles and skin, especially below the navel, undergo stretching, weakening, and separating the abdominal muscles, creating a weak area in the midline. This causes a rounded abdomen and sagging skin with stretch marks. Procedures: Abdominoplasty and/or liposuction.


They may lose firmness, nipples and areolas may sag and lose volume, with stretch marks appearing. Procedures: Lifting with or without implants.

Buttocks and Back

The buttocks may sag and lose volume, while the back accumulates fat, forming the dreaded rolls. Procedures: Liposuction, fat transfer, and buttock lift.


They may require liposuction or a cut (brachioplasty or arm lift).

Safety and Recovery

If the patient is properly selected, in accredited facilities, and with a certified plastic surgeon, complications can be less than 1%. Recovery time to return to daily activities is 2 to 3 weeks.


If you feel identified, celebrate and honor this stage of your life that will help you renew your body/mind connection.

It is advisable to consult a certified specialist who can provide us with the answers and security we need, preferably a doctor certified by the Mexican Council of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (

Dr. Luis Eduardo Guerrero is an outstanding plastic surgeon with an exceptional academic and professional trajectory. He is certified by the Mexican Council of Plastic, Aesthetic, and Reconstructive Surgery (CMCPER), valid from 2021 to 2026 (council number 1889). Additionally, he is a member of various prestigious associations, including the Mexican Association of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery (AMCPER), the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), The Aesthetic Society, the College of Plastic Surgeons of Baja California, and the San Diego Plastic Surgery Society.

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